About Us » Principal's Corner

Principal's Corner

Our Principal I.A.

Contact Info

Guillermo Rusmayris
Rusmayris Guillermo, IS 10 Q
Phone: 718-278-7054
Email:[email protected]

Dear Horace Greeley Intermediate School 10Q Community:


My name is Rusmayris Guillermo and I am delighted and filled with joy to be named the Interim Acting Principal of Intermediate School 10 - Horace Greeley.  I am a parent of two bright teenagers, Ashanty and Michael. As a parent, I want the best educational experience for my children- one that inspires a love for learning, instills a sense of responsibility, and prepares them to navigate the world.  As the Principal of I.S. 10, I am committed to providing that type of experience for each child entrusted to me. 


Throughout my twenty-one years in education, I am proud to say that I was a co-op student, a teacher, dean of students, lead teacher, and an assistant principal. Each position prepared me for the next, and I am confident that working closely with the dedicated faculty and staff, we will continue to strengthen the strong foundation established by predecessor, Mr. Clemente Lopes.


To our students and families, I look forward to getting to know you and to strengthening the home-school partnership. I am availing myself to meet with students and families.  I am very interested in hearing your ideas and hopes for the future.  Together, I believe we can collectively become a beacon of excellence where students are curious about the world, take explorational risks tied to their passion, and are able to discover excellence within themselves.


I am thrilled about this opportunity and look forward to getting to know you in the upcoming weeks.



In Partnership,



Rusmayris Guillermo

[email protected]